Face To Face with Employee Burnout

Burnout is chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed (World Health Organization).

  • 82% of employees report feeling burned out at least some of the time.
  • 25% of employees say that they feel burned out often or always.

Six root causes of burnout:

1. Workload

Does work demand exceed reasonable available time?
59% say they at least sometimes have an unmanageable workload.


2. Autonomy

Do employees have some input into their job functions?
Involving employees when defining job roles improves well-being and reduced burnout.


3. Community

Do employees feel supported by their peers and management?
Promoting peer support or affinity groups can help.


4. Appreciation

Are employees recognized for their contributions?
28% say that they do not often receive reward or recognition for their work.


5. Fairness

Do employees perceive the organization’s culture to be fair and equitable?
14% say they have been treated unfairly at work.


6. Values

Are the employees’ values aligned with those of the organization? Misalignment of values increases the risk of employee burnout.


The good news
Among organizations that implemented all nine of AHA’s recommended burnout prevention policies, 91% of employees reported positive workplace well-being, compared to only 51% of employees at organizations with no policies in place.

9 best practices to beat burnout

  1. Annually assess the match between employee capabilities and job demands
  2. Create and socialize a clear, written flow for decisions rights, including the criteria and who is responsible for making specific decisions
  3. Annually assess employee workload
  4. Promote employee peer support groups
  5. Implement a written policy discouraging use of technology after work hours
  6. Allow employees input on their job design
  7. Implement a written policy for employee skills development and training
  8. Annually assess whether employees feel supported in the workplace to lead a healthy life
  9. Implement a written policy to promote employee well-being

Healthy, productive, and engaged employees are just a few of the benefits of a policy-based approach.

Read the full report and complete the Workforce Well-being Scorecard to see how your organization measures up.

*All data sourced from an online survey in the United States conducted by Harris Poll on behalf of the American Heart Association among 5,055 US adults aged 18+ who are employed full-time or part-time. The survey was conducted between April 13 and May 10, 2023.

Face to Face with Employee Burnout Infographic

Employee Burnout

Burnout: An Equity Perspective Infographic

Burnout an Equity Perspective